
What’s my art?  I think it’s creating and recognizing powerful selling ideas. I borrow the term “selling idea” from a planning and strategy hero of mine Peter Kim, now deceased. In Peter’s world a selling idea was an ad strategy but on a macro level it could also be branding idea, the overarching organizing principle for a brand’s marketing and communications. 
My blog is not really my art but an extension. A PR friend, Shelley Spector, once  described my blog saying “You are  the Andy Rooney of marketing.” Images of McNasty eyebrows aside, I guess she’s right. I’m sort of cranky and don’t suffer foolish marketing well. Good bloggers try to be more then commentators teaching through inference.  They highlight rules and exceptions and provide advice for practitioners. Good bloggers need to encourage, be positive, and set an example.  
Seth Godin does a good job with this — translating his art into a blog. He’s instructive, thoughtful and insightful. I promise to better represent my art in my blog. It’s going to be tough though.