Reimagine Possible.
Jeff Dachis is a really smarty dude. We’ve never met but I’m a big admirer. He co-founded Razorfish a digital ad agency, then co-founded Bond, Art and Science and experiential marketing firm. Next came the Dachis Group, a social business outfit which was really edgy. Jeff and I were cohorts in thinking about the social web and its impact on business. I was trying to coin the term “social computing” he called it “social business.” The startup I worked for at the time was Zude, his was Dachis Group. The winner??? Jeff.
His most recent effort, and outgrowth of a diabetes diagnosis is called One Drop: a perfectly named business meant to improve and simplify the life of diabetics. Jeff built the business into a multi-million dollar company, in fact, Bayer just invested $100 million this past August. Now it seems One Drop will expand beyond diabetes into other disease states. Stay tuned.
Smart is as smart does. Until it comes to a branding. And taglines. One Drop’s line, from the website, is Reimagine Possible. Huh? If it seems you’ve heard it before, you have. It’s probably an ad headline, a thousand times over. Also a problem, it’s not particularly endemic to healthcare. Lastly, it is not a top patient care-about. It feels to me like Mr. Dachis approved it because he didn’t want to over-manage someone in his marketing dept.
Branding is hard. Real hard. Even for smart people.