Suffolk FCU Needs Gutting



I live in Suffolk County on Long Island. East of New York City, Long Island is over a hundred miles long and no more than 14 miles wide. By many accounts it is shaped like a fish. Many small businesses here use the outline of the island in their logos which gets tiresome and often creates awful signage and advertising.  But no where is this more evident than with the Suffolk Federal Credit Union. To make matters worse, since Suffolk County is one of only 4 countries on Long Island, its logo only gets to use the tail of the fish.


As federal credit unions become favored now that banks are collapsing and money gets tighter, it is time for Suffolk Federal Credit Union to sit at the big girl table and invest in a little artwork. It’s okay to use the fishtail in the “K” maybe, but let’s just stop it right there. 

Click here to see the logo.