Two Americas?


I’m in San Francisco at Web 2.0 Expo and the price of regular is a millipede under $4.00. Yesterday’s newspaper reported that MacDonald’s monthly same store sales slowed for the first time in 5 years. Hmmmm. So, I posit, the price of gas and the lagging economy are taking a toll on the lower rungs of the demographic ladder. Less $4.00 lunches due to $4.00 gallons of gas. 


Today’s paper says Apple had its best quarter ever. Mac sales are soaring. The iPod category is maturing, so says Apple defensively, sales were somewhat flat. They only sold 10.9 million units this quarter. Yahoo reported strong earnings and I keep hearing luxury car ads on the radio. Okay, they are used luxury car ads, but luxury nonetheless.


The Economist says explorers may have found the third largest oil source in Brazil and that scares me.  


We need a new president.