Beating Seth Godin.


seth godin

I was at a meeting in the city with one of my mentors Robin Hafitz at a coffee/chocolatier when in walks Seth Godin. Seth’s kind of a hero of mine. I attended a group seminar paid for by client Windham Mountain when Seth operated out of a building next to railroad tracks in Westchester County. Every time a train went by Seth had to stop talking…Zen Master he.

Mr. Godin has been blogging successfully about branding and marketing for a long, long time. What’s The Idea? has published daily since January 2007. He makes me look like a slacker.

One morning I decided it might be fun to do a daily dance off with Mr. Godin. That is, I’d like to ask him if we might create a site where side-by-side blog posts are published and readers vote for the preferred post. They might be organized on a similar topic, as determined by hashtags. The results are likely to be similar to that of Food Network show “Beating Bobby Flay,” but what the heck.

Now I just have to get the nerve up to ask him. I’ve started the email once or twice before and chickened out.
