Brand Strategy and Media Mix.



The brand strategy construct I use is pretty simple: a single brand strategy sits atop three supporting brand planks. The planks need to fit logically beneath the brand strategy (or promise) and contribute to the story. The degree to which these planks are dialed up or down in messaging needs to be managed and measured, then tied to sales results. An even distribution of plank support, i.e., 33/33/33%, isn’t necessarily optimal.


Also, dialing up emphasis on one plank may inversely impact attitudes and perceptions on another, so the ultimate goal is a formula.  But here’s a new rub, and I learned this from Ford. Not all planks must be played out in all media.  There may be more efficient and, perhaps, media-appropriate ways to achieve market share gains through the messaging mix.

For instance, let’s say today Ford’s brand planks today are: reliability, innovation and financial stability. Ford is using PR to convey financial stability — it is not playing that card in paid media. Very smart.  The admixture of planks can be media- independent. A plank message better suited for social media, say, than print or broadcast might work harder their to support the promise. Oh shizz, this changes everything.