Go Forth and Be Greedy. .



Warren Buffet wrote an Op-Ed piece in The Times today telling the world his intentions to buy only American stocks.  Not with Berkshire Hathaway money, but his own. His philosophy? “Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.”


As marketing planner I believe this is also good advice for businesses.  Businesses that are fearful, need to be a little greedy and heighten their market acuity. They need to be aggressive in their attempt to validate and understand strategy. As customers become more thrifty, their buying behaviors grow more pronounced. Important things rise to the top. Good marketers ask the tough questions and will find out where they are on the value chain. 

Smart marketers who invest in market research and heighten their customer intelligence in difficult economic times will prosper when things turn around. It’s imperative to know what drives your customers and your competitor’s customers when people are fearful. Now is your chance.