One of the foibles common in advertising is lack of adherence to brand strategy; more specifically to brand strategy claim. A claim is only as good as its proof — and ads today are often bereft of proof. Here’s an example torn from the pages of The New York Times. It has been a while since I priced a page in The Times but it wouldn’t be misleading to say the ad cost north of $75.
New York Presbyterian’s claim is “Amazing Things Are Happening Here.” It’s a wonderful and powerful brand idea developed by Munn Rabot. (They no longer do NYP’s ads.) In an ad celebrating National Doctors Day the headline is the above stated claim. Here is the copy. (See if you can find any proof.)
Every day, our doctors combine knowledge, curiosity, intuition and compassion in amazing ways.
They change patients’ lives. They advance the frontiers of medicine. And they ready the next generation of physicians to do the same.
On behalf of our patients, families, and everyone else whose lives you touch, thank you.
Advertising has two jobs. Accomplish the tactical objective which in this case is thank the docs. And second, advance the brand strategy “amazing things.” This is another example of all claim, no proof.
Poor ad craft. Poorer brand craft. Peace.