Kandee Johnson is a supratypical “Posters.” Different than a Paster, a poster is an original content creator on the web.
I first ran into Kandee while researching an assignment on Plus White teeth whitener, a national consumer brand out of New Jersey. Kandee was a blogger and vlogger with an amazing following of young women. She had an innate sense of style but her “go-to pitch” was her ability to share clothing and make-up tips for the budget-conscious.
For those interested in teeth whitening, rather than buy the whole $18 Plus White kit, Kandee suggested buying a $2 lacrosse mouth guard and the $6 bottle of gel. She also taught young ladies how to clean makeup brushes in olive oil along with an assortment of other creative cost-saving tips. That was Kandee’s motivation; her brand claim, if you will.
Kandee’s online persona is wrapped in an amazingly smart and videogenic package, but beneath the surface is a caring, thoughtful and self-actualized women. The fact that she is drop dead gorgeous may actually have hurt her initially with her base, but it is something she has overcome.
Kandee will be on Kelly and Ryan this morning and her star continues to rise. This women who gave of herself online for years – opening her heart and talent to thousands of young women, making them laugh and cry along the way – is a web superstar. And should be nominated to the POSTER Hall of Fame.