Dell’s last mistake.



I’m no shark but I smell blood in the water for Dell Inc.  Michael Dell is a leader, not a follower. When he follows he is average and makes mistakes. The Wall Street Journal reported today about Dell’s second foray into the digital music player business and the news is anything but heartening. The business ideas are not well formed, plus Dell is playing the role of challenger brand. Here are some of the alarming quotes from the article:
“The executives said the device has gotten a favorable reception from testers.” (Favorable?)
The device will connect to a new Dell music and download service which “Dell expects to launch this summer.” (Expects?)
“Pricing for the new service hasn’t been determined.”
And here’s a good one, “Mr. Tatelman (VP consumer sales) declined to detail how Dell expects the strategy to generate profit.”  “…he is still discussing with Dell whether profits would come mainly from the subscription service of from the device tied to it.” (Discussing?)
I could go on, but you get the idea. The Dell PR person should be spanked. Mr. Dell should have been spanked 9 months ago. Dell has lost its way once and for all.  Mr. Dell you are brilliant but you are not Steve Jobs. Peace!