Water Your Body.


crystal light

“Water your body” is a smart new campaign for Crystal Light, owned by Kraft. The work comes from McGarryBowen, Chicago.  Consumer research indicates that women who consume powder-flavored water drink 20% more of it than women who drink plain water.  Since we all know that water and hydration is a good thing (leveraging a well-known fact) the claim is pregnant with positive information and imagery. Water is good for your skin. Water is good for your muscles. Water is good for organs below the belly button. Water is good for hair and nails, etc. 

Sure, some people will see the ads and go to the tap or grab a plastic bottle of Poland Springs but the reality is the flavored stuff tastes better and is an inducement to drink more. The leap then becomes “Is Crystal Light water?” Kraft and McGarryBowen say yes.

 The biggest part of this market is not sports enthusiasts who crave water, it is the more sedentary women (and men) who know water is healthy — even if it contains 5 calories. Water your body is the creative idea…and a good one. “Flavor your water with Crystal Light and you’ll drink more” is the branding idea. Peace!