Writing an Effective NPR Billboard Part 2.


Yesterday I explained what a 15 second radio billboard had to accomplish in order for it to be effective. The key tasks were five-fold. Doing the math that’s about 3 seconds per task. Let’s get started then maybe we can massage the flow later.

  • Explain what the business is.
  • Establish what the business does.
  • Explain what brand strategy is.
  • Explain why prospective clients need a brand strategy.
  • Lastly, establish why What’s The Idea? is a good choice.

What’s The Idea? is a brand consultancy (1). Fairly clear. A subset of marketing to do with branding. What’s The Idea? consults on brand strategy (2). We don’t do logos, packaging, style guides or websites. Task three is to explain what brand strategy is. An organizing principle for product, experience and messaging (3). At What’s The Idea? strategy is delivered as words alone. Words that offers explicit direction. When following a brand strategy, content makers know if they are making a deposit in the brand bank or a withdrawal (Hint: Don’t make a withdrawal).

Most marketers don’t wake up in the morning saying I need a brand strategy. Especially those outside of the packaged goods business. But everyone needs a brand strategy. Marketing without a brand strategy is like knitting without a pattern (4)… you are just making marketing knots.

And lastly, why should a marketer buy brand strategy from What’s The Idea? rather than say Atlas Branding, Interbrand or Brandtuitive? Well, it’s all we do. While many use brand strategy as a lost leader to sell other forms of art and content, What’s The Idea? is only about the idea. And idea that drives consumer value and business value (5).

Stop by tomorrow to see how all this is assembled into a ready-for-primetime NPR billboard.
