Nicholas Kristof wrote today about his biggest Op-Ed flops of the year. Columns people started reading then left before completion. Readers and consumers are fickle when it comes to things that hold their interest. They move on. The job of content creators is to capture the interest and imagination of readers. It’s the litmus of good communications.
Though marketing communications professionals, especially their ad agents, understand this, they are not so good at it. Why? Because they are selling. They are asked to load the content up with product features and benefits and, perhaps, festoon it with a pretty bow to keep interest high. It’s not easy.
The web, much like the yellow pages of yore, is a utility in some regards. It’s brings buyer and seller together by way of search. So online ads and content don’t need to be so hot either. And they aren’t.
Nick Kristoff writes about important things. He’s not going to change his topics, though he can learn from them. He can perfect his craft to keep readers on the page. He’s a content creating sponge. And so must be marketers. Every word is important. Let’s light up those amygdalas.