Market Like It’s A Craft.


I was reading Ana Andjelic’s  newsletter, The Sociology of Business, this morning and came across a dinnerware company called Caskata. My first introduction to the company was through the website. There is lots to like about this company.

First, the products are exquisite. The colors and designs are candy for the eyes. Second, they are front and center on each page. Celebrated. Photographed brilliantly, with accents like a crusty baguette on a rough-hewn, spalted maple table.  The beautiful dinnerware is the hero. There is a level of taste here that few websites achieve. And where there’s taste in art direction and photography, there has to be taste in product – so the consumer mind goes.

This is how you build a website. You herald the product. Don’t overdo it with pictures of smiling, happy people. Bleed the product shots to the fullest extend of the page. Use empty space as an accent. In other words, art-direct your product and home page like it’s your first and only baby.

But what I like the best about Caskata is the product designs themselves. They are amazing. They get the product right first. It’s hard to herald a plain product.  

We throw around words like “brand” (verb) and “creative” and “design” too easily these days. They are crafts. Expensive crafts. You can’t buy them on the web by the pound.

You don’t have top be a craftsperson to use a craftsperson. You just have to respect the craft.
