Brand Strategy Tarot Cards.


tarot cards

I have a neat idea for a “What’s The Idea?” promotion.  (Disclosure: What’s The Idea? is an open source company, believing strategy frameworks should be open and shared.) The promotion is called “Brand Strategy Tarot Cards”  but the idea needs a little help from friends and friendettes, as Rohsaan Roland Kirk might have put it. So feel free to weigh in.

The promotion offers a free 1-hour brand strategy assessment to help marketers better understand their current brand position – or lack thereof.

In a traditional tarot card reading, three cards are turned over. In a Brand Strategy Tarot Card reading, I will turn over 6 cards. But they won’t actually be cards, they’ll be pieces of marketing content. 

Here are a couple of content types I’m thinking about:

  1. Press release boiler plate (first sentence and About paragraph). 
  2. Website Homepage and About page copy. (We’ll use the home page if About is the same as boilerplate.)
  3. Text from a CEO speech or introductory sales presentation.
  4. Most famous ad or blog post. 
  5. LinkedIn posts or last company Tweet.  
  6. Company mission statement.

My intent is to turn these content pieces over in front of the CMO, one at a time, read them aloud and interpret them in real time. At the end of the reading, aggregate observations will be shared and if I’m able to see a pattern, a meme-able brand position will be offered.

So planners, any thoughts as to other brand strategy tarot cards I might use? 
