I’ve never really parsed the brand name of my consultancy “What’s The Idea?” While developing the company, which actually started out just as a blog, I wanted to name it What’s The Big Idea?, but I chose against it for URL and simplicity’s sake. A big idea is better than an idea, one might think, yet it also seemed a big self-aggrandizing. So What’s The Idea it was.
What’s neat about the name is that it is a call to action. If a brand manager or stakeholder can answer the question, it probably has an idea. If the idea can’t be put into a succinct explanation, then un-uh. If you have no brand idea you have no idea how hard it is to convey value to the consumer world.
Most sane women and men who are captains of industry would respond “How can I maintain a business beneath one idea?” The answer is “By using proof planks.” Proof planks (3 in total) drive business value, consumer value and shareholder value.
You want metrics, I’ll give you metrics. Write me. Steve at Whatstheidea.