A New Offer.


One of my best promotional offers is a “Free Day of Planning.”  It’s a bit of a try-me-before-you-buy-me thing which has opened a number of doors. But I’m looking for a refresh and thought I might create new promotion a little more specific to brand planning outputs. By the end of this post I’ll probably have a name for the offer, but for now I’ll just ‘splain it. Can you tell I’m an “I Love Lucy” fan?  

My brand consulting practice offers two serial products: 1. Brand Strategy and 2. Marketing Communications Plans. I won’t do the latter without doing the former.  Strategy first. While few people really know what an actual brand strategy framework is, most everyone knows what a marketing communications plan is.  What’s The Idea? clients are privy to how closely knit together these two things are. That is, the marcom tactics all and always support the brand claim and proof planks. Nothing is untethered.

But seeing is believing so the free offer is to present to inquiring prospects a presentation brand strategy and an accompanying marketing communications plan. 

People who just want a brand strategy sometimes want to know what to do with it. What to do next.  Well, you have to build marketing stuff. Marketing programs. The new “No Tactic Left Behind” offer will demonstrate just that.  

For your free presentation of this new offer, please write Steve@WhatsTheIdea.com. (Some discretion may be involved in selecting recipients.) A thousand thanks.
