I was wondering this morning who is doing a good job of branding these days and the question took me to my new home town Asheville, NC with its exciting beer, food and hospitality businesses. Most of these brands are retail. Retail branding is organic, contained and a brand petri dish. The owners and operators are on prem. The product is there. The experience is there. Messaging abounds. When you see a retail space that holds tight to an idea, it’s powerful. It’s even more powerful if the product, space, experience and vibe are unique from all the others. There are 35+ brewers in Asheville, for instance.
If the retailer had done a good job, 75 out of a 100 customers leaving the store will relate pretty much the same value statements. And words like “cool” or “awesome” are not what you’re looking for.
So what happens, then, when your business is a service or professional company? A lawyer, doctor or accountant, perhaps? How do you build a brand then? When a tax return is a tax return, how do you influence the experience?
The answer is with a brand claim and proof array. Also known as a brand strategy. A plan for packaging your service…where no product package exists. If you’d like to see examples of service brand strategies, email me Steve@WhatsTheIdea.com.