Social Gaming

Social gaming is “the haps,” as my fictional hero Dave Robicheaux likes to say.  And the Zynga Game Network is validation of that statement having just received $29 million in funding from Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers and Institutional Venture Partners. This, I also know, because my son plays social games for hours each night with friends and acquaintance around the globe.
Zynga, founded by Mark Pincus the co-founder of social networking site Tribe, which gives him some social computing cred, is targeting Facebook users to propagate his games. Since many Facebook users are really just looking for something social to do and are showing signs of getting tired with the little nuisance apps, smart games make a lot of sense. Kleiner, late to the party with social computing investments, sees the value here. No dopes, they.
If you think social games are the haps, wait until you see what’s happening in “episodic social video games.” Kuma Games, for instance, today released with Spike TV “The Kill Point.” Talk about fresh.  
PS. Have you checked out Karen O’s new side band, Native Korean Rock and the Fishnets?