Place-shifted TV


 At the PSFK Conference in NYC last week Mike Hudack of Blip.TV brought up the notion of “place-shifted” TV. Many people today “time-shift” TV, which means they use digital video recorders to alter when they watch favorite programs. But in place-shifted TV they alter the device they watch a program on and therefore the place. One of Mike’s favorite tech shows he watches on his iPhone, presumably when he has some downtime.  Big HBO productions, on the other hand, are reserved for his hi-def flat screen at home. That’s when he wants the best quality sight and sound.

Smart guy.
Talking head shows that don’t require high fidelity make sense for smaller, low-qual devices. Downtime is perfect time for a good TV show. TV isn’t going away. It’s still one of the greatest forms of entertainment. Those who create great programming and broadcast it will always find an audience. And place-shifting will help audiences find that programming.