Brand Prepping During Covid19.


What’s The Idea? has created brand strategies for scores of companies. Some huge, some small. These strategies, organizing principles for product, experience and messaging, are built upon the things consumers most want from a brand (care-abouts) and things at which the brand excels (good-ats). Brand strategy inspires marketing, business ideas, and in the case of Covid19, business responses and tactics.

Having a strategy in place when you get socked in the jaw from a business standpoint makes you a bit of a prepper. You don’t have to refigure out everything while wobbling. You may not be able to offer your product or service as before but you can still create value for your customers and company, while keeping busy.

The last thing a business owner needs to be doing while dazed from a business discontinuity or business obstruction is rethinking business strategy or sitting on the sidelines watching.

I think about all my clients and their strategies and know they are not lacking for responses to the Coronavirus pandemic. Things will be different, tactics and business will be different, but the strategy remains the same. And there is productive comfort in that.
