Last week’s post on “Brand Strategy Uncoupled” did a nice crooked number in terms of readers. Much of that traffic came from the Facebook Account Planning group. One person in the group was kind enough to leave comments. Mostly dissent. Paul Isakson, suggested as logical as it is to make sure the strategy is right and fully understood before executions take place, clients don’t often view it as cost-effective or time-sensitive.
This Mr. Isakson is a smart man. Period. No buts. A realist. I listen and I learn. No one is wrong. That said, I remain…an uncoupler.
When Lucent Technologies was born, InterBrand had the naming and branding assignment. They didn’t do ads. Uncoupling in huge projects is the norm. It is only when thinking about mid-size and small brands that it makes the most sense for a single source provider. Money and time are hard arguments to defeat; Mr. Isakson is right. But I might add, and I often tell clients, a tight brand strategy, insures faster and cheaper build-ables. For years to come. (It’s the gift that keeps on giving.)
Clearly, this is an argument around which Mr. Isakson will have lots of client support. And agency support. I for one, will keep pushing that boulder up the hill.