Business 3.0


Prediction Time.

As Jerry Seinfeld might say “So what’s up with Rupert Murdoch?” News Corp has four parts to its business: 20th Century Fox Films (underperforming,) Television (performing moderately well), Newspapers (holding their own in a tough market,) and Other which comprises Fox Interactive and MySpace (doing quite nicely.) Rupert’s latest two pursuits, MySpace and Dow Jones, are the source of my prediction.
Coming to a computer near you will be a new online business network that will be an amalgam of LinkedIn, Monster, Ning, Harvard Business Review and The Wall Street Journal. Think the three martini lunch meets Red Bull. 
This new entity, launching in 2008, will be like nothing we’ve ever seen in the business world. I’m still trying to figure out who will run the show. When I figure that one out, I’ll post it. Who do you think it should be?