If you have the fortitude to read this blog now and again you’ll know I often go on about rearview mirror brand planners – those who spend a great deal of time looking behind, looking to the past, to them plot brand strategy. Well today I’d like to introduce Douglas Conant, CEO of Campbell Soup Co. He’s a real forward looker. Here he is (from the Wall Street Journal, May 30th,) on his next billion dollar brand. Perhaps the world’s next billion dollar brand.
“American’s don’t eat enough vegetables. Our scientists were able to come up with a fruit and vegetable blend, which doesn’t have any of the taste of vegetables but delivers a full-serving of vegetables in every eight-ounce serving. Wellness is the No. 1 trend, by far, in consumer foods right now and this is the sweet spot. V8 will be our next billion dollar brand.”
This leader tells the truth. He takes responsibility for his missteps and he sees the future. He’s going places.