I’m working on a branding assignment for a K12 tutoring company and feel the need to share my excitement. I’ve worked in Ed Tech before and fell deeply in love with .edu. It’s a marketing category like none other. All these marko-babble people talking about “intentional this” and “intentional that” would do well to spend some time in the K12 space.
Anyway, this tutoring business is online only… no face-to-face tutoring. As such, they were well-positioned for Covid.
I’ve always wondered about face-to-face versus remote interviews in my business. I’m a big fan of the former. I want to see their offices. I want to know their taste in clothes and style. Want to feel what’s important to them, how they surround themselves. And I want to look into their eyes, watch them smile, do the whole body language thing. So it got me wondering about online-only tutoring.
But what’s interesting about this tutoring firm’s approach — at least the way I understand it — is that using online, real time whiteboards allows the tutor into the heads of the students. They can’t hide. “Tell me what you’re thinking” might be a great query for a student with an inactive stilus. Spelling stylus wrong might be telling. Observation by doing.
When I interview people remotely for brand discovery, I’m hearing them, perhaps seeing them via video, but not seeing them work and think. Maybe this tutor is teaching me some tricks.
That’s why I love .edu.