Far from the mADdening crowd.


There’s a wonderful black and white EOS Airlines ad in the Wall Street Journal today. Their tagline is “Uncrowded. Uncompromising.”   The ad is simple and direct. It doesn’t try to do too much, so you won’t wade through piled-on features and benefits.

The headline “Uncrowded in a crowded world” sits beneath a big logo and a crowd shot of what appears to be a tennis match.  Dead smack in the middle of the stands, however, is an area roped off by velvet, measuring about 20 x30 feet, in which sit two spectators. They sit beside a little table with an iced bucket of champagne and a server in white uniform.
The line from the copy which is the branding idea is “Travel between New York and London on the world’s only fleet of 757s outfitted for just 48 Guests, you’ll never want to fly the crowded way again.” 
Thanks for not showing the reclining seats Eos. Nice job once again.