First Sentences.


I don’t mean to pick on marketers and branders having a hard time articulating their business, but I do find it instructive to read copy designed to convey such.

One example is for a company named InMarket.

Here’s the first sentence from their About paragraph on LinkedIn:

InMarket is the leader in 360-degree consumer intelligence and real-time activation for thousands of major brands.

From their website About page, comes this first sentence and since it’s an About page I’ve included the second sentence:

At InMarket, being best-in-class means providing our customers with access to the most accurate and precise, permission-based, SDK-derived location data available today. It also means creating breakthrough experiences via hyper-relevant, timely messages in the moments that matter, providing transformational 360-degree measurement and delivering consumer intelligence that makes advertisers smarter with every interaction.

Here is the sentence from their Twitter bio: The leader in digital advertising for the physical world.

And lastly, here’s some marketing copy they lock up with the logo in some instances. Let’s call it an advertising line:

Connecting brands and consumers in the moments that matter.

Here’s the question. From any of these individual descriptions, do you know what InMarket Is or Does?  If you work really hard at it, when you add them all together, you may get a sense of their business.

The basis for proper branding is a clear Is-Does. What a company Is and what a company Does.

Strategy first. Copy second.


PS. If you would like a look at your first sentences in the form of a free promotion Brand Strategy Tarot Cards, write  (Promo supplies limited.)