Were I to conduct discovery on What’s The Idea?, my brand consultancy, and articulate its claim, it would probably be “A powerful brand idea is indelible.” My email signature and tagline use this statement behind the words “Campaigns Come and go…”
So that a brand strategy isn’t perceived as a one-trick pony, I employ a proof array comprising 3 support planks. This allows for pluralism in the brand story. This allows for a the claim of brand value and, hopefully, superiority to have multiple dimensions. All of which build the case and brand value. (If the claim and proof array theory isn’t working for you, please email for examples. Steve@WhatsTheIdea.com.)
I’ve never written a brief for What’s The Idea? Amazing! It probably would be a good thought. Shoemakers children and all that. So sans brief, what might my three proof planks be for the “indelible” idea? Let’s think on the fly:
- Indelible means Memorable. Easy for consumers to play back, either in conversation or visual imagery.
- Emotional. Something that is near to the heart of the buyer. I refer to care-abouts often in my blogging but an emotional care-about trumps a wan care-about any day.
- Optimistic. A plank should be positive – toward the category, the purchaser and the marketing order supporting the commerce. Leave bad news for the media. Good news is branding’s purview.
There you have it, 3 proof planks for the powerful “indelible” idea. Now, off to work.