Dispassionate Old Brand Planner.


That’s me. While every strategist of a non-certain age will tell you how passionate they are, I am happy to report the opposite. I am dispassionate.

When passion takes over my rigor, when my thoughts get juiced toward an idea, I need to dial it back and continue to be open-minded. It is way easier-said-than-done. But it works. Short cuts are bad in the brand strategy business. They can feed the idea, but one must let the process play out. Dial back the passion until it’s time to cull the idea.

As for the old, it’s really a state of mind. I’m sixty and to many people that’s old. People look at resume for someone who graduated in the 70s and their right brain takes over. “They must lack energy, are soon to retire, not good with technology.”  Lots of negs.  But from my seat, looking out, I don’t see that at all. Of course, when I go to a Hot Tuna concert, there are a lot of grandparents there. (Hee hee.) From a professional point of view, when I evaluate myself I see a brand planner who has only been practicing for 8 years. Maybe director level.  I see a modestly experienced brand planner with lots of business and life experience.  Maybe a late bloomer. (Prior to brand planning I was an ad agency account  guy.)

So it has been a reboot for me and I wouldn’t change a thing. I enjoy the f*ck out of what I do. Oops, dial back that passion.
