
Back in February I wrote about J.C. Penney and Saatchi & Saatchi’s plans to launch a new branding idea — Every Day Matters – to replace the tired “It’s all inside.” I blogged glowingly ( in anticipation of the execution. Well, it seems the client and agency have delivered.
Penney’s CMO Mike Boylston sounds like a man with some sand. He’s opted to go against the grain and do image rather than product advertising; pushing to rebuild the Penney’s brand. Everybody knows what Penny’s sells, consumers don’t need to see the products. The new advertising addresses the end-benefit customers experience when shopping at Penny’s — having a great day. It uses a one-day-at-a-time approach to building a good life. An idea that both aspires and inspires. 
The work doesn’t tell you outright to go to the store and buy something that will brighten your day, that would be heavy handed.  It focuses on the results of shopping. Through wonderful story-telling — still the most compelling means of selling — the campaign puts consumers in the right frame of mind to purchase. And while those consumers are in that frame of mind, they will gravitate toward J.C. Penney.
In all deference to Saatchi’s Kevin Roberts and his “lovemarks,” this is just a good strategy, a better idea, and fine execution.