Tomorrow Apple is announcing a lower cost iPhone along with its latest version of the new iPhone – what will that be the 6? (Were he around, Steve Jobs would have killed the number thing.) Anyway, as mentioned last week and long before, I think the Nokia/Microsoft strategy will be to cover the planet with Windows-based smarties and the way to do that will be, though a nice phone at a low, low price. Sold at cost (or a hair below), these Windows phone 8 Nokia hardware devices will be cheaper than two rounds of drinks with your signif. at a NYC hotel bar. Before tip. I’m thinking US$49. That’s my price point and I’m sticking to it.
Messrs. Ballmer and friends will create a Costco-priced, beautiful smart phone and price it in a way that the ROW (rest of world) will be hard pressed to ignore. It will offer the cool tiles interface, a good camera and enough design panache to bump iPhone and Androids growth aside for a while.
Rather than pay taxes or sit on the billions in the bank, MSFT is going to be bold and give people without smarties an affordably priced piece of hardware (and software) — effectively buying market share. It will lose then make them billions. It’s a nuh-uh brainer. (Go Geno and the Jets.)
And, of course, peace!