I wrote the brand strategy for the North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System about 15 years ago and it came together thanks to the leaders at North Shore who were kind enough to allow me into their inner sanctums and learn about their rich and diverse organization. No one person helped me formulate the strategy more than Yosef Dlugacz. Yosef was the head of quality and measurement at North Shore.
It’s a rarity that any one person embodies the brand promise of an entire organization the way Dr. Dlugacz does, but it’s always worth trying to find that person. I call that the Dlugacz Effect. Many planners who work in B2B assume the CEO will provide the best brand input direction – and often they do. Oddly, I sometimes find HR people have their fingers on the pulse of the market and provide a key insight. I love talking to the top (and bottom) salespeople. But sometime, the Dlugacz Effect comes from somewhere else. The oldest employee. The busiest. The receptionist. The insight that sets the main brand claim can come from anywhere.
Brand strategists need to always keep their eyes and ears open, because when the Duglacz Effect happen you need to be ready.