Worldwide Pricing.


Last week I posted about a concept called worldwide inventory which suggested, king of search, Google will catalog, index and make searchable most things for sale.  When people or companies have things for sale and other people or companies are shopping for those things only time and distance keep them apart.  If Google removes these obstacles search takes on a new dimension – a breakthrough business dimension.  The technology hiccup lies in the inability of inventory data to be captured, a problem I suggested might be solved by barcodes.  Is this a business opportunity for Motorola (Symbol Technologies) or PayPal?

Taking a closer look at worldwide inventory one realizes that worldwide pricing is the real key. As mentioned last week, an US$11,000 hip replacement in Mexico city (including airfare) for someone without insurance is compelling because of the price – so, this next generation of commercial search needs a database component that allows search by price.  Once the world’s products are inventoried and priced, the web will find serious monetization.   And, oh, there will be an app for that. Peace!