

Back in the 90s when Yahoo! owned the airways (okay, the cables and pipes), my favorite thing to do was log on and scour the list of new sites that joined the Internet that day – all available on Yahoo!.  New sites were organized by topic and type and the growth the wild west was so young, it was manageable.  I loved Yahoo! for that.  Indexing new sites, organizing and sharing them and providing links so one could explore the growing medium. Tres cool. 

According to Alexa, “What’s the Idea?” is the 586,688 most trafficked website in the world.  And holding.  It used to be moving down but the number of new websites turning up every day is startling. That growth has caused Yahoo! to cease publishing all the new sites.  But if Yahoo’s strategy is about content, they might want more and newer ways to make me stop by the site.  Fantasy Football is over and I probably won’t be back until August.

Yahoo needs a focused brand strategy, an idea, and some tight execution to turn this thing around quickly. They’ve got a smart ad agency, lots of people who know and love the brand, but for all the billions in ad revenue they don’t know how to package what webizens want.  The Yaaaah-hooooooo is gone!  Now it’s more like Yah-Who? Or Yah-Why?  Come on Ms. Bartz; you have two more quarters (is my guess). Bust a nut.