I was interviewed yesterday by a Florida State (How ‘bout them Noles?) student who offered up a battery of questions on account planning. My patented answer, a quote stolen from and always attributed to Sergio Zyman, is to create strategies that help “sell more stuff to more people more times at higher prices.” Then I added a little sumin’ about organizing the selling principles so that the brand is actually managed and consumers can play back the salient value.
And today it snowed. And the snow, always beautiful, reminded me how I love ski vacations which before family and kids were why I worked 50 weeks a year. And this thought brought me to the insight that I love ski vacations because they are always different. Which brings me back to account planning and why I like it so. Sorry FSU, forgot to mention this.
Good account planners have to look at products, competition, targets and markets with a fresh eye every day. We’re constantly seeking the next contributing insight. We question everything. Look for patterns and look for breaks in the patterns. I like to say I can find a marketing insight looking through the window of a parked car. Knowledge is everywhere. That’s why I like account planning. Freshies. Just like white, beautiful, cleansing snow. Peace!