Best Buy Vs. MySpace Music


MySpace Music is doing some really smart things making music available for free to its social network members via MySpace Music, launching very soon. The idea that music companies might make more money from advertising than from actual sale of CDs and songs is pretty forward thinking…and believable. Think free TV model.
But my money is on Best Buy who just bought Napster. Have you been to Best Buy lately? If Best Buy was a pie, close to half of that pie would be in CDs, DVD, Blu-Ray disks and other digitally recorded media. Another huge chunk of that pie is dedicated to the display and sale of the devices over which this media plays. 
I would love to be the CMO of the new Best Buy because this is going to be the entertainment company. Best Buy will smartly leave content development to the experts and OWN the pipeline/channel to the consumer. WOW!