Brandhackers and Brand Tags


I went to a Brandhackers Meetup last night in NYC with my friend Chong Na to see a presentation by Noah Brier, creator of .  It was held at Dewey’s Flatiron in midtown south which, BTW, has very cool ceilings.

Brand Tags is part consumer game, part brand planner research tool. On the site, a logo pops up and you are asked to enter one word in a data box as a stream-of-consciousness, word association. The words are collected and a tag cloud created. (In a tag cloud, the type size of the word displayed indicates the word’s frequency or importance.) For BMW the tag cloud displayed “asshole” in rather large type. Presumably that’s not an engineering fix, but it does point out an addressable brand issue.

My bud Chong asked if this was just a planners playground and Mr. Brier admitted it might be (lately). Though at the time of launch when the first wave of publicity hit, visitors flocked to the site from all walks of life.  There are 1.8M tags today.  Brand Tags is a cool app and will be even cooler if users can sort the data temporally – in “way back” mode before a campaign ran. You can pay for this type of data today but free would really make the app sizzle. As would the very sort that allows users to see how quickly a tag is typed. Those who tag a brand in under 7 seconds are way more committed to their decision than are those who type it in over 7 seconds. Cool stuff. Check it. Peace!