

For quite some time now I’ve been using this blog and social media to brandsplain.  I Googled brandsplain and it seems as with most good ideas it’s not an original idea.  Philippa Roberts and Jane Cunningham have a book Brandsplaining.  There’s is a feminist take on how misguided advertising to women has become.  Bravo.  But with deference to the authors I’m going to use a more unisex definition of brandsplaining. One, a little less fiesty.

When I brandsplain, I like to think I’m educating. My wish is to make brand strategy a more important, codified and healthy marketing undertaking.

Here’s my definition of brand strategy: “an organizing principle for product, experience and messaging.”  (Anyone who would like to discuss this definition, please contact me via Twitter/X at @spoppe, LinkedIn at or email at

Over my career I’ve met scores of brand planners and followed even more on social media.  Some of the smartest planners have gotten out of the business. Others consult. A great many have turned to brandsplaining over LinkedIn. Or in meetings over coffee and beer. As a brandsplainer, I’d much rather brand plan. I’d much rather interview consumers. Talk to SMEs. Scour social media threads. Review sales info. And learn the lingua franca of the category and its buying culture. Yet instead, I brandsplain.

If you can do. If you can’t brandsplain.

My 2024 resolution is less ‘splaining, more doing.

And to the world, peace be upon you.