Empathy Tactics in Marketing.


I worked on a weight loss modality launch a couple of years ago called Ketofast.  A similar product was marketed in the U.S. called the Bride’s Diet by a physician in Florida. He targeted brides who wanted to lose 10% of their body weight in 10 days. As director of marketing for Ketofast I decided to target the morbidly obese. Big diff.

One of the tactics I suggested in the marketing plan was a film documentary whereby we would follow for ten days (the time of one Ketofast fast) ten people using the weight loss regimen. For all the other ideas in the plan the documentary had the biggest upside for putting Ketofast on the map.  The key to the documentary was a deep dive to generate empathy. By following around morbidly obese and chronicling their lives and the weight loss experience, it would let others suffering from obesity know that someone really cares. That someone is in tune with their very real lives.

Sadly, the launch never happened in the US. But the documentary and, really, the empathy angle has stuck. Every marketing plan needs an empathy tactic. Does your plan have one?
