Future of Work Part 2.


Yesterday I began sharing a Future of Work deck from 2010-11.  Today we are looking at Insight Number 2.

Mobile is changing everything. I cannot imagine anyone arguing this point. Here are the support points:

  • 292m subscriber in the U.S. (pop. Of 308m)
  • Messages about to replace MOU (minutes of use) in mobile
  • Smartphone to surpass functions phones in 2010.
  • Mobile connected workforce puts more hours into the work day.
  • Mobile is chaotic with huge interoperability issues. (Gomez.com, a solution provider).
  • Customers expect more and

The only point that doesn’t stand up is mobile is chaotic. Interoperability is pretty seamless these days albeit the Apple (IOS) and Google (Android) operating systems aren’t the friendliest of cousins.

Implication for FOW: If we (Microsoft) create a more usable, kinder-gentler mobile experience, we can be seen as leader.

My prediction that the Windows mobile operating system (and eventual purchase of Nokia in 2013) would win the day was absolutely wrong. MSFT and Steve Balmer had an opportunity but played the wrong cards. 

The reality is, mobile has changed the Future of Work. But work and play will continue to merge via the mobile phone until such a time as security issues and hacking change the landscape.
