Life and Story.


Visiting Nurse Service of NY has a new program it is launching called Medicaid Managed Long Term Care (MLTC). It’s a great name, but they renamed it Choice Health Plans, an awful name.

The demand for this program is, and will be, great.  It allows the chronically ill to stay at home where the care will be much more agreeable to the family and to the pocketbook (hopefully).  Traditionally, home care is less expensive that hospital care.

The campaign launched this week and is couple of notches better than typical healthcare stuff.  Nice warm color photos of interesting patients, heartfelt selling copy, a basic description of services and couple of calls-to-action.  Going through the copy, though, I found an idea that could make the work great. “Decisions about member care are made by clinicians, not by clerks.”  This is the idea that should drive the campaign. It has dimension.  It’s real. It’s an idea with life and story. 

To life. L’chaim. Peace.