One Plus in Streaming Services


As HBO Now is about to launch and the whole “cord-cutters,” “cord nevers” segments assert themselves, companies like Netflix and HBO are innovating in cleaver ways. One such is the shared password (let a friend watch) behavior. 

We have Amazon Fire TV. Cool as shit. But if we were just allowed to watch Amazon Prime movies it would be a yawn after one weekend. But ‘cessa (our daughter) lent us access to her Netflix account so we are streaming there. Our son, through some sort of trade deal with a friend (don’t ask) has access to HBO GO, opening up lots of other content so we are truly rich streamers.

This sharing of streaming service log-ons is the “idea to have an idea.” It’s the spark for marketing packages we haven’t quite figured out yet. Just as MCI’s “Friends and Family” telecommunication plan changed telephone billing and pricing, this BFF stream sharing thing will turn onto a big marketing idea. Service providers will, no doubt, police it better, but the notion of allowing multiple sign-ons per account will be an interesting battle ground. And it may get complicated. Especially, if it generates data for the data nerds. BFF’s are a dime a dozen. One pluses on a streaming plan, now they are true friends.
