Wrinkled Facebook.


The Baby Boomer demographic is amazingly powerful in terms of its spending potential, yet it is an underserved demographic when it comes to lifestyle innovation. Boomers and their elders watch a lot of TV, drink, go out to eat and travel. A percentage of them work out and pay attention to some lifestyle choices so they don’t have to medicate as much – yet the average medicine cabinet for Boomers contains a significant selection of pills. Bad.

When I graduated from college my psych professor told me to go into “leisure time counseling.”  Not plastics.  Prescient was she.  There is terrific upside in thinking about marketing to Boomers — creating new product and service innovations for that demographic.  No one is doing it.

So let’s start thinking about it. And please, help me out — I want your ideas. Here are some thought starters:

A low-impact outward bound camp, much like summer camps of yore.

A social network where Boomers mentor the young, one on one.

A national boomer Volunteer Corp.  

A research and development lab, filled with retired engineers intended to modify products that serve the aging.

Group homes for those who don’t need assistance but want company.

Jeeze, this isn’t easy.

If we continue making advances mapping the Genome, the average life expectancy of adults is going to shoot into the nineties.  Now is the time for us to invent the next Wrinkled Facebook.