Yahoo! needs an ad campaign. Close your eyes and think about the last Yahoo ad campaign you saw. What comes to mind? Nothing. You probably remember the sound mnemonic of YAH-HOOO! and not much else.
The brand element most associated with Yahoo today is Marissa Mayer. That’s okay for a huge corporate entity like GE or Berkshire Hathaway, but not a tech company. Ms. Mayer needs to get her face out of the news. And rather than allowing journalists to decide what’s news, e.g., earnings, traffic, search, Ms. Mayer needs to let an ad agency decide. It’s what they are great at. Let the agency burnish the image. Yahoo! has the money. And it wouldn’t take that much.
David and Goliath, 72 and Sunny, Deutsch could all give Yahoo! a much needed shot in the arm. Yahoo! has a lot to offer, but it is a horrible promoter. It needs an outsider to come in to refresh, reboot and make the company proud again. Yahoo! tried to do this on its own — it has not worked. Wash the tech off your hands and let some professionals image builders help.