Denny’s Grand Slam Promo Indeed.



I remember hearing in advance about Denny’s Super Bowl spot and even remember watching it, but don’t remember it being a promotion offering free Grand Slam breakfasts the Tuesday after the game. Must have had nachos in my ears. Talk about a promotion? Absolutely brilliant!


I love the Grand Slam breakfast, which is a great value at $5.99: 2 eggs, 2 pancakes, 2 pieces of bacon and 2 sausage. What else could a body want? Denny’s promotion was intended to reestablish the sit-down breakfast as an American pastime, then take their unfair share. Let’s see if it worked. Denny’s estimated 2 million Grand Slams were given away on the fabled Tuesday, at a total cost of $5 million, inclusive of the spot.  Since a Super Bowl spots ran $3M for a :30, Denny’s generated well over 2 million visits and fed those visitors for less than the cost of 2 spots. Hear that Budweiser?


Getting people into the stores, getting them to talk to friends about going to Denny’s, on top of the good will generated during tough times plus the free publicity is a huge hit in my book.  So long as the food was served hot and tasty and the servers held their own, I would estimate that America will be doing breakfast at Denny’s in much greater numbers starting this week. Take that IHOP. Bravo. Peace!